Top Five Ways LD Will Make Our Mistake Okay...

We apologize! We made a big mistake. We accidentally sent out a newsletter/e-card a day before product was released!  That was just a dumb mistake made by an employee struggling with dates!  Don't we all struggle with dates at one time or another?  Although you would think sitting at a computer, there would be little excuse to get it wrong!  That is why we have the TOP FIVE WAYS LD WILL MAKE OUR MISTAKE OKAY... and they are:

  1. We added a special FREEBIE from Sheri and it will be FREE for the whole month! 
  2. sheri freebie

  3. We've extended the Friday FREEBIE to be free for the month as well.  Invite your friends.  Make sure they get both freebies.
  4. free alphabet

  5. We've dropped the expected amount to spend to only $5 for you to get the Dear Tween Bundle FREE.  Learn about it here!
  6. tweeny bopper

  7. We've extended the Smartie coupon code to last the month of September!
  8. smartie

  9. We've dropped the price of all the Dear Diary product 75%!  Shop Dear Diary now!
  10. diary

As an extra bonus because we've boogered this up...grab our Boogered Up Alphabet for FREE!

Posted by Lettering Delights

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